Sarah – Yoga Nidra Guide – Hamburg

‘I wanted to send you a little feedback on how I was feeling after the Yoga Nidra teacher training. The Yoga Nidra training was a pretty intense experience for me. As I mentioned in the training, I experienced major depressions this year, combined with a three-year separation and all in all, life-changing input. I can truly say now that I believe your Peace Out Yoga studio has helped me turn my life around at this point in time. More precisely – you did it as my teacher. I would of course also like to acknowledge the other great teachers in the studio, whom I appreciate very much, Michael, Steffi, Eva etc. But if it hadn’t been for you, Eric, I probably wouldn’t have had the courage to sign up and stick around. I have so far downloaded three of your meditations on my phone and have done the emotional release practice, especially after a nervous breakdown. I can definitely say that the meditation works. I feel a greater sense of calm and stability when I practice it. My goal for the next year is not only to get into a more regular practice, but also to write and record my own meditation, as I love to create and improve my understanding in this way. Thank you for everything!’